So I took advantage of Cyber Monday and did a little shopping on TPT. Here is what I bought:

I bought the Interactive Math Notebook for Kindergarten Bundle from Karen Jones. I can't wait to start using these with my math instructions. These are aligned to the common core and fit in with what we are doing in math. I thought I would use them as a review or an assessment.

I bought these from Marsha McGuire of A Differentiated Kindergarten. I just love her stuff! She makes it easy for me to differentiated activities. I also purchased this from her.

I have been eyeballing this bundle for a while so I decided it was the perfect time to purchase it. I really drill cvc words. Most of my students will be able to read all the words right away, but for those who struggle word families are a great way for them to learn a lot of words.

I bought these from The Printable Princess. This is one of the first items I have bought from her and I love this! It's not too Christmasy (I think I just made a new word.) so I can use it with students who don't celebrate holidays. I also purchased this packet from her.

These can be used any time in the year.

I purchase the Phoneme Segmentation Activities from Tara West. This has saved me a lot of time and I can print them on my black ink only printer at school.
As you can tell, I love to shop! I'm glad I am supporting other teachers when I buy from TPT. I have always felt that it is important to use a variety of materials and get ideas from other places. It makes teaching and learning better. I don't feel that I should try and recreate the wheel so if I don't have time to make my own activities, then I search out ones that I can use. I'm working on something new and I hope to have it finished this week. When it is finished and posted, I will let you know because it will be 50% off for the first few days.
Oh, Spike the Elf on the Shelf is back this year in my home. He finally made his appearance last night. My son was excited to see him this morning. Did I tell you my classroom has an elf? We named him Mr. Snowflake. My son's class also has an elf and her name just happens to be Snowflake. Lol, I wonder if they are married.