We did a little finger painting last week. I put red and yellow paint on the paper and the students mixed the colors. I gave each student a leaf to trace and cut out. These turned out cute. I'll have to remember to take a picture of the finished product tomorrow.
We learned about pandas and made a can, have, are chart about pandas. The students used the chart to help them write about pandas. We worked on writing 3 sentences about pandas. One sentence for each section of the chart. We also watch an online panda cam which was so cute. We even found video that was taken of panda twins and how they changed in the first 100 days. We loved the video so much that we watched it twice and invited the neighboring class over for the second viewing. You can go here to check out the video. Pandas are 100 days old before they get their name.
We made
After the shirts were dyed, we cut fringe on the bottom and the sleeves. We added a paper and ribbon belt that the students decorated along with our headdress and our patterned bead necklace. We worked on patterns while making the necklaces. Last year we strung pasta, but this year we used pony beads. I had a lot of pony beads in my cabinet so I thought we should use them.
My new Smart Board was installed last Friday. I am happy to have a Smart Board that works properly. My last one had issues. Oh, did I mention that I also got a new laptop?! Now I don't have to worry about the virus the last one had. Russian videos kept popping up. At least I think they were speaking Russian.
My wonderful principal walked in today carrying these echo mics. I have 24 for of them now. It so weird that he bought them for use because I was talking about them last week and how I use to have one to do my daily weather report with. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to use 24 of them. If you have ideas, please share them with me in a comment below. I'm begging.
Before I left school today, I got out my December books. This is just a few of my books. I actually have another tub of holiday books and more at home, but these are the ones I plan on using for the month of December. Above you will see Hanuka. Below you will see a stack of Christmas books. The stack is bigger than it looks.
I only have three Kwanzaa books, but I plan on adding to this collection and my Hanuka collection too. One more day of work and then I am off for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow is a half day for the students. If you are already beginning your December plans, then check out this freebie I posted last year. Just click the picture below to get your freebie!

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